Membership meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 18:30 (6:30pm)

Howlin’ Mad Golf Outing

If you need to make a donation to the golf outing onlineplease use this button:

Not paying cash or by check comes with it’s own set of challenges for not for profits, this is one reason we have partnered with as our official donation processor.

Let it be known that when paying by this method the fees that would normally be charged to the detachment are passed along to the person donating. This means that the detachment gets the entire donation that is intended and needed. If this were not the case your donation to the detachment would be reduced by the amount of the fees, we really cant explain it any better than the platform we use so you can see how it works here. This is really no different than the “convenience fees” that the state’s charge when renewing your license plates online, same concept.

Thank you for your understanding and support!