Membership meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 18:30 (6:30pm)

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Marine Corps League Howlin Mad Detachment 93 - "Tun Tavern"
Marine Corps League Howlin Mad Detachment 93 – "Tun Tavern"2 days ago
Tonight! Karaoke with DJ Sassie starting at 7(‘ish)! Open to the public, non-smoking venue with heated smoking room.
Marine Corps League Howlin Mad Detachment 93 - "Tun Tavern"
Marine Corps League Howlin Mad Detachment 93 – "Tun Tavern"3 days ago
We encourage you to take a peek at our website, it has all the good stuff.

Marine Corps League Howlin Mad Detachment 93 - "Tun Tavern"
Marine Corps League Howlin Mad Detachment 93 – "Tun Tavern"4 days ago
Happy Friday! We open at 4pm today!!!!
Marine Corps League Howlin Mad Detachment 93 - "Tun Tavern"
Marine Corps League Howlin Mad Detachment 93 – "Tun Tavern"1 week ago
It’s official! We didn’t sell out today so tomorrow we’re going again! 12-5ish or until sold out. We have approximately 40 dinners left for sale

    Marine Corps League
    Howlin’ Mad Detachment #93
    Current Officers

    Election result swear ins will happen at the April 2025 meeting

    CommandantSam Eaton
    Sr. ViceJoe Powers
    Jr. ViceDarren “Ike” Surney
    PaymasterScott Hicks
    ChaplainBob Sivulich
    Judge AdvocatePete Van Woerden
    AdjutantRob McCuan
    Sergeant at ArmsBill Ashcraft
    Web SergeantTim Kirby
    Trustees 1 Year:
    Rob BurkeDwight Boyd
    Lyle Stevenson
    Trustees 2 Year:
    Ron JacksonCharles Bustamante
    Dan Peterson
    Past CommandantGregg Burke